Plans - Consistently Halal Trader
Plans - Consistently Halal Trader

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Exclusive Membership Plans

One Month Membership

Join now our exclusive membership for one month and get all the perks of the premium group.

Open Bitget App Pay Via Bitget
Open Binance App Pay Via Binance
*We don't have a refund policy.
Three Months Membership

Join our exclusive membership for three months and get all the perks of the premium group.

/3 months
Open Bitget App Pay Via Bitget
Open Binance App Pay Via Binance
*We don't have a refund policy.
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Six Months Membership

Join our exclusive membership for six months and get all the perks of the premium group.

/6 Months
Open Bitget App Pay Via Bitget
Open Binance App Pay Via Binance
*We dont have a refund policy.

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Check out our eBook package by clicking here.

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Student Learning Membership Plans

Student Learning Membership

Get the learning membership and start your trading journey with us.

/ months
Open Bitget App Pay Via Bitget
Open Binance App Pay Via Binance
*We don't have a refund policy.
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1:1 Session With Sarim Ali

1:1 Session With Sarim Ali

Talk to Sarim Ali over a Discord, Instagram or Facebook Call and get his exclusive insights.

/ 30 Mins
*We don't have a refund policy.
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answer to your

Most Popular Questions

If you have any other question, then please contact us on Discord.

Yes, we have limited free learning here, If you're seeking high level learning, then you have to join our premium plan for $20.

You can pay via PayPal or Trc20. We are working on more payment methods.

Yes, eBook based 80+ videos are available for you inĀ  exclusive group.

No, the eBook is highly exclusive, and you have to buy it separately. However, you will get the eBook based videos. You can get your eBook from here.

We do not have a refund policy, please ask any questions prior to joining.

Yes, team is always availabe on Discord, please ask your questions there, hopefully you will get satisfied answers.

Halal Trade - 2
Consistently Halal is a shariah-based organization trusted by thousands of members. Join us now to start your crypto trading journey with us.  Be a good trader, and win the market.